Cancer symptoms depend on a number of factors such as the exact location of the lump. The lump can be found on the skin or inside the skin. If the lump is in the testicle area it may be that the patient is suffering from testicular cancer. If the lump is on the breast then it may indicate that it’s a breast cancer. Each symptom varies among different types of cancer. If there is blood found in urine, then a quick medical checkup is required as a first preference. The blood found in urine is a symptom of bladder cancer. Urinary tract infections and prostate disease can also cause blood cancer. Urinary changes are common at the age of 60 and above.
Unexplained fatigue and weight loss, although weight loss is a positive sign but unexplained or sudden weight loss can indicate a serious health problem which may include Cancer. Similarly, excessive fatigue is not good for the body and it is due to the abnormal growth of cancer cells therefore it is necessary to have a medical checkup as soon as these symptoms are found in the body.
General symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Abnormal Weight loss
- Unexplained bleeding
- Lumps in the breast
- Persistent back pain
- Blood in urine